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2004-10-30 - 1:49 a.m. Hello, my name is...

We had a halloween party. It was fun but not as many people as I was hoping came. It kind of makes me wonder whether it is really worth the effort of planning a party and cleaning and baking and decorating and spending lots of time and energy when no one is going to come. I mean people came but blah. None of the people I invited came... again. I guess I might not have a birthday party. :

Rachel and I dressed up as each other for our costumes.

I had fun.


0 Have Spoken

2004-10-29 - 12:15 a.m. and the people play grass

So at my school they had a costume contest (with like a dozen contestants) and I don't want to go into detail but the guy dressed as George W. Bush won the prize for the scariest costume.

I saw the Lion King! Soooo amazingly amazing. Also had dinner at a very nice restaraunt Soluna. Only we weren't really hip enough to go there so we were given a table next to the bathroom near the back. Or that's what I theorize. They had good food though. Lion King was so beautiful like sight and sound and everything. AMAZING everything. Acting, singing, dancing, choreography, costumes, sets, lighting (minus the lighting that went into audiences face sometimes...ow), uhmmm. Good show. Not that one would expect any less of it than it was.

Stuff. This guy in my theatre class asked if I would go to see the school play with him, but I had to decline due to the being busy tomorrow night... since when do random people ask me to do things with them?


0 Have Spoken

2004-10-26 - 5:19 p.m. Me me me

I am the essay writing MASTER!
I got an A on the english paper that I wrote in one night. HaHaHAHAHA. I clearly win at english class.

We actually did something interesting in Psych today. Although we didn't get to do much of it... we're learning about intellegence, so we broke into groups and were supposed to come up with an intellegence test, there were three types and my group got creativity. So even though we didn't get much, we did get some. We figured that maybe you would have a subject and they would do something creative (possibly in several types of creative things one at a time) and have time to prepare, and then have like a rubric with which a group of people would see a presentation of this creative thing and it would be based on if its like useful or if people like it or if its original or if they used a lot of ideas or details. It sounds complicated, but it is complicated I think... cause like creativity comes in so many forms and it's somewhat abstract.

I had a hella good lamb shawarma from the mall for lunch. Mmm...

I might have to eat some candy now and become fatter than I already am (not that I think I'm too fat, but I mean I would get fatter if I are enough candy you know)

There is DDR at the arcade at southland but it kind of sucks.

My cat likes to growl and hiss at the other cats. And scratch my rug. And get litter all over the floor. What a nice kitty. If it weren't for her I wouldn't have to vacuum my room every two seconds to keep it from looking gross.

I have TWO midterms on thursday, how FUN! Maybe I'll study.


0 Have Spoken

2004-10-23 - 9:45 p.m. the cleverest title

I cleaned my room a lot today. At least I threw stuff in the closet and made it so the books on my shelf weren't quite so willy nilly and put various clutter items (ok I dunno if that makes any sense... theres like peices of clutter... or something... I guess it's only clutter when it's all together) into drawers and under bed and stuff... then I vacuumed and I even made my bed (or spread out blankets so they don't look totally messy. We did some stuff around the rest of the house but I didn't help as much as I could of because I felt inspired to clean my room instead... I really feel weird when my room is insanely messy and the rest of the house looks all nice.

We went to Nations for lunch and then we went to the parkway for the matinee, we saw Sky Captain. It was a pretty good film.

We went and hung out with Rug and Bob after. We all went to the asian-y mall place and looked at weird stuff and then we went and ate food at this bhuddist chinese place where theres no onion or garlic or meat. They had really good food and totally not greasy. There was tofu satay, and fried rice with pine nuts and seaweed and sharkfin soup and unchicken with plum sauce and some really good seam buns. I liked it. I really liked the steam buns... yummm.

We've been hanging out with people a bunch, it's like we have friends or something. :P


0 Have Spoken

2004-10-22 - 8:46 p.m. but it's just the temperature

We are all infinitesimal specks when compared to the Universe.
Jelly Belly Jelly Beans taste horrible. Some are particularly tasty. The smell of all of the Jelly Bellys put together is pretty nasty.
What are you supposed to do when you visit the theme park which used to be just an animal park and most of the animals are closed off. You ride a few roller coasters I suppose, and maybe eat some nachos.
What are you supposed to do when it's 1pm and the theme park that used to be just an animal park doesn't open until 4pm that day. Go to the mall, visit lame stores, see way too much Nightmare before Christmas stuff (I swear you could make a whole outfit; socks, pants, shirts, umbrellas, bags, sweatshirts, almost any accessory imaginable... even hair chopsticks...and when you go home you can tuck yourself into your Nightmare Before Christmas bed...oh and I forgot the cologne and paper and million other things...shower curtain... you can have a Nightmare Before Christmas LIFE!!! Available at a FINE retailer near YOU!!!! about fucking merchandising...) Go in the dollar store and muse about cheap bling bling, award ribbons, sad stuffies that must have fought on the way from china, and how amusing it would be to buy those picture frames and not take the picture out and pretend the photos are of you and your family. Go to the nearby Jelly Bean factory and take a tour.
What do you do when your friend hangs out at your house while you're not there and leaves waffle batter out when she leaves. Be annoyed, clean it up.
What do you do when you can't think of anything too interesting to write in livejournal. Use some writing tactic to try and make it seem more interesting. Add links to the things you write about.
There is the most amazing Thai food restaurant RIGHT HERE IN HAYWARD. It's called Thai Garden and it's on Mission... It's across from the most ghetto shopping center ever. There's one of those 99 cents only stores, a BigLots! and a check n go all in the same shopping center. Also included is a Rickshaw Chinese food and cigarettes cheaper! store. HAHA. Anyway... this place has the most amazing food, some of the best thai food I've had. The pad Thai was amazing. Everything was soooo good. Fuck yea. Props to my sister for finding it.
I have come up with all the clever things I can for now.

0 Have Spoken

2004-10-22 - 8:54 a.m. and it looks like I am shaking

I'm unsure of what to write about, but I want to write.

Today is Juli's bday so happy birthday to her.

Suzy spent the night. We held the baby rats and then watched once more with feeling and then I was tired and went to sleep.

Oh the other night Todd came and we all played Clue... simpsons clue.

There is supposed to be a council meeting but I am thinking it is not happening tomorrow, I suggested that it happen two weeks from now, since next week will be busy.

I might be a sim for halloween. I'll find my most simmy clothes and make a green crytal thing to put above my head. We'll see though.

So a bit ago after the class turned in our essays, my english teacher gave us a lecture on how you need to have all the parts of your paper and foolow the directions and support your points with sources. And then she pulled me and one other girl aside at the end yesterday and told us that the lecture hadn't applied to us because we did those things very well. Pretty good considering I left the whole thing to the last minute. Maybe that means I got a good grade... ?

Ummm I'm having allergies right now. I think I might take a shower or something. Suzy is still asleepy...

I kinda want to go to church on sunday. I don't know which one though.


0 Have Spoken

2004-10-19 - 8:11 a.m. Thunder only happens when it's raining

It's stupposed to rain on and off for quite awhile. Yay, rain! I just hope I don't end up walking home from school in the rain, which would suck... a lot.


0 Have Spoken

2004-10-18 - 9:28 p.m. stuff

We got a new rat. His name is Muffin, so we have Bran and Muffin. They get along quite well.

I thought I had homework to do but I looked and it seems that I have none that is due tomorrow! w00t!

My cat was just doing a snail impression. She was laying on the bed curled up as much as possible.

Rachel and I went biking downtown and went to some shops and stuff. We found a Hayward-opoly like game from the 80's. It was kind of boring but we thought of some ways to make it better... it didn't come with directions tho, even though its different from monopoly we just kinda played with those rules.

I'm really tired.


0 Have Spoken

2004-10-17 - 10:57 p.m. Dubhan

Bran's brother isn't here anymore.
I'm really sad. A big rat was really territorial and they only met for a few minutes, but it was bad. The big one is living alone for now. We are going to get another baby to be Bran's friend.


0 Have Spoken

2004-10-16 - 6:06 p.m. Rats!

We got two new baby rats! They are sooo cute. They have big ears. One is named Bran and the other is named Dubhan (Dowan). They are cute, cute, cute, and scared.


0 Have Spoken

2004-10-14 - 10:48 p.m. AHHHH

A lot of people in Hayward are really fucking retarted (yes, "tart" like "stone" someone is to throw stones at them, therefore once you tart someone [throw tarts at them] then you tart them again, and they become "retarted")
So I took a bike ride, and my bike is a peice of crap Schwinn Varsity which is probably like twice as old as I am that came from the thrift store... well anyway it went all brokeny halfway through my bike ride. And all I would have needed was a wrench to fix it... but did I have a wrench? No. I had water, a cell phone, keys, an inhaler, helmet... wrench nowhere to be found. So Hayward has hills right? This is me walking a bike that the back wheel will barely turn up a steep hill in the hot, hot sun... and people drove by and made fun of my misery.
Ok so today was some thing at school and there was free tacos... so I'm like... tacos? mmm tacos... so I get in line and deal with the hot hot sun, and these people talking about the most retarted things and one of them thinks it would be funny to touch my arm... like I wouldn't do anything or notice or figure out who it was... (BTW do I have a FUCKING "Kick me!" sign on my back?) so I turn around and I'm like, "Stop fucking touching me!" cause like... dude... personal bubble... and he says something about the fact that I swore... WTF. Are these people in fucking Jr High? Because they didn't look like they were TWELVE!
Is it better in university? Can I go to university now? Or get some god damn friends?
Anyway... so the interview I had... it was okay... they like had me fill out an application and then talked to me for like a minute... and that was it... so like they might call me maybe sometime next week. Sad to say I'm realizing that since I don't have a home phone, I'm gonna need to change my phone message from the monty python one to something like "Hi this is Debbie" or something boring like that so I don't sound like a big weirdo to prospective employers. The job is like a foody cafeteria type thing at peoplesoft by the way. It's like... cafeteria only like really much nicer and for peoplesoft employees.
I found a copy of "Carrie" at the library. It's a short book, but I'm glad I found it because I really like the film... (because I'm the freakish girl everyone makes fun of...j/k...kinda...) they had "A Mighty Wind" on dvd too which was pretty funny, and I hadn't seen it before so yeah...
I'm gonna have such a good gpa this semester as long as I keep doing everything. I totally haven't missed one assignment. And the lowest I've gotten on anything that I know of was a B. And after next semester I'll have all of my high school credits. Which is totally super awesome. Then hopefully before I know it I'll be in university. Somewhere nice, where people arent fucking stupid and annoying ALL the fucking time.
I'm tired, my room is a mess, the house is a mess. Bah.
There's an UUYAN con but I dont think I'll really make it...
I opologise for all the times I used the word "fuck" in this entry.
I'm actually in an ok mood, I just needed to get that out there.
We got a fuzzy duck mat...

0 Have Spoken

2004-10-11 - 4:06 p.m. JOB

OMG I just got a call from a prospective employer. I have an interview on wednesday in pleasanton.
YAY! I hope I get a job, and if not it'll be practice for interviewing and so on.

0 Have Spoken

2004-10-10 - 10:32 p.m. Update

I'm feeling almost all better now. So the sickness is like gone-ish.
On friday I saw The Princess Bride at the act I & II in Berkeley at midnight with Todd. We had coke and popcorn and I saw Bryna there.
Saturday we drove all the way to pinole to eat at long john silvers. It was greazy, and I could just feel my arteries clogging as I ate all the fried things. They also had corn on the cob-on a stick-in a bag... and it was really soggy. They don't even have any stupid paper hats...
So then we went to Ikea and we bought a new dining table and chairs... it was inexpensive but it looks nice. There was this one really nice one but it was a lot more money.
Today we went to Target. We bought a lot of stuff... a tablecloth and other stuff for the table, inner tubes for my bike, some halloweeny stuff, a ducky shower curtain rod, I'm sure there were other things.
So we put the new inner tubes in my bike (although it needs new tires too) and I rode it up the hill a little and then down (after trying to ride it twice unsuccessfully due to Chucks sabotaging of my bike) the down part was really fun but the up part was kind of tiring.
We had a nice dinner tonight. Teriaki salmon (Chuck had some lemon, garlic, butter swordfish) salad, roased potatoes, and artichokes. MMM. It was good.
I'm knid of tired. I have to write an essay before tuesday and a draft of that essay which was due on last thursday but I didn't do that because I was sick and so I was not up to it and I didn't go to school that day.
I'm still trying a lot to get a job. It has not worked out yet...

0 Have Spoken

2004-10-06 - 7:59 a.m. and the pills that i ate came a couple years too late

Dood... I feel pretty sick. I took some medecine so hopefully I'll be able to sleep since my nose is less stuffy now...
I go back to sleep maybe...


0 Have Spoken

2004-10-04 - 11:44 p.m. Coin-operated boy...

How is it that I'd never heard the Dresden Dolls before and they are so lovely? I think I like them a lot... they're playing in sf next month... ooh...

I'm doing homework last minute... I should have done this before... crap. Oh well... I'll do some during school tomorrow... and I'll bs though some stuff in english tomorrow...

I'd better go to sleep!


0 Have Spoken

2004-10-03 - 9:46 p.m. Stoof

I saw Babyland, that was really awesome. And I got to hang out with Nick and Meghan and Genevive and Suzy. I know the way to drive from Hayward to Gilman now...

I went to the Hayward church today. It's really small... there's like no one my age, except for Amy, who I already knew from YRUU back in the day. Got her contact info though. Maybe we'll try going to some other churches in the east bay.

I took a nap today. I was really tired from being awake really late. I was gonna go to Davis with Suzy and people, but I was all really tired and so I slept... and yeah.

I feel like I should do homework tomorrow. ICK


0 Have Spoken

2004-10-03 - 9:44 p.m. Suzanne Marie Bernardi

I love her with all of my heart. I think I knew that the first time I met her. I was seven years old, but somehow I knew it; this person would be in my life for a very long time. I think she knew it too. I don�t always remember how things used to be. Sometimes I sit back and try to think about my childhood and find it slipping away. But memory is a tricky thing and when you start to think about one thing, it will remind you of another and then all of the sudden you remember all kinds of things. I think that sometimes she is a catalyst for those memories of my childhood, the good, the bad, everything else in between too. I remember all the moments, growing up, and we keep growing. There are things we look back fondly on and things we�d like to forget. I guess it was inevitable that there would come a point that my best friend wasn�t so much the best anymore. Not that I loved her any less, but there was so much in between us, so much that separated us. That seems like it doesn�t matter so much anymore. Sure, we lost some time, but somehow we were never apart. We�ve found each other again. Sometimes it is on and off, but I think this time may be more on than it has in a very long time. I love her so much. So, I have often thought that my heart was so determined for romantic love. I know that kind of love is nice, but it often is very fragile. It slips away and then you are totally lost. I guess I�ve found another kind, and I feel it grounding me, filling me up. I found it in her. She is my best friend and I want to be close to her and I want to tell her about things and I want to be there for her when she needs support. Our love is so strong. It seems that there really isn�t anything that can stop it. It gushes, it flows, it is forever.


0 Have Spoken

2004-10-02 - 10:45 a.m. Bitchin'

Oh, so yesterday I was planning on going to Gilman but if I had taken the BART then like, how the fuck would I have gotten home? Well anyway Chuck was being broken, which is ok. And then Suzy said that we could go together, but then she called me back and said that she didn't want to do so much driving. So yea I didn't get to go. But I might go up to Davis with Suzy and other people on Sunday... we'll see.

I kinda did a lot of nothing yesterday. Surfed on the internet about politics, took a shower, watched movies, made pie. Later we played ping pong and then Devil Bunny Hates the Earth and Chez Geek. So it didn't totally suck or anything, but could have been cooler.

Today maybe I will mean to do homework but end up not doing much of it. Chuck wants to organize the garage... bleh.

Usually if I roll around in bed a lot my cat will jump off and go away for a little bit, but not this morning, I practically had to push her away.

I had a crazy dream I don't really remember a lot of it though. I was at a mall with my friend Jordan, and we were in some shop and he ordered some mixed drink (which he said was a martini but well it didn't have the right ingredients) at was like a really small bar within the shop, and I was really afraid that the bartender guy would card him, but instead he just listed off a whole bunch of (untrue) facts about how drinking is bad, especially for underage people... it was really weird. But then he gave him the drink. It was like his cocktail shaker was just an old liquor bottle and he gave the drink in what looked like an old yogurt cup... so for some reason Jordan didn't carry it, I did. So we walked more through the mall and I guess we had some other people with us, Missy, and maybe a few others... anyway we like were looking for a good place to sit and drink our "martini" and we finally find a place and I spilled the drink all over someones pants or something. Then I remember being in some restaraunt. I really had to go pee, so I went into the bathroom, which for some reason was really dirty, had like one old bathtub and one used to be old bathtub type thing... I think the room was in like dark green tile, and there was also a really large water heater in the corner, and of course a toilet, and somehow I knew that this used to be two bathrooms, like with baths, and also there were two doors. So I was all about to pee and this old woman walked in... and I was like... I'm trying to pee... could you please go away... and I had been pretty sure that I had locked the door, but this woman wouldn't leave, and then another old woman came in... it was very awkward... then like I think I gave up and went out to the rest of the restaraunt (which was all in like brown and orange and really 70's) with like some friends and family of friends... I dunno... I woke up though and I really had to pee...

The other night I had two bad dreams, I don't really remember them too well though. One was like I was at this party or something in a big house and then some people decided to go on the lake so we got in a boat and... I don't remember but something scarry happened or something. The other was like I was walking down the street and I heard some man screaming lots of scarry things and then he was like chasing me with a knife or something... he seemed like some sort of sexual predator... eep.

I'm going to cook at Jr High con... how bitchin is that... with Kevin... I'm thinking of some really good stuff... I need to remember to do my treasurer job... I think I'll do stuff today and mail it... woo

Oh yeah, Kerry was so bitchin in the debate the other night compared with Bush who just said the same thing over and over basically. Yee-uh. The election is so soon... don't forget to get your butt out there and vote. Even Bush knows that people in other places are dying for the right to vote.


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