2005-03-30 - 8:53 p.m.
Friday Fives
I know it's not friday but I forgot to do it two weeks in a row. So I'm going to do both. I couldn't think of the answers for last weeks but I've just come up with them!
The Friday Five for March 18. 2005
1. What are your five favorite all time TV shows?
Buffy, The Simpsons, MASH, Laverne & Shirley, The Price is Right (runner ups, Angel, ALF, lots of bad old sitcoms from the 70's/80's)
2. What five things you want to do before the year is out?
Learn to bowl better, get all or mostly A's, turrn 20, take a trip somewhere, take some classes I can learn a lot from (interpersonal communication, music classes, some other classes)
3. Who are five people (alive, dead, or otherwise) you would want to have dinner with?
Err, limiting it to five is hard, but I want to just say with my family because it would be awkward to have dinner with a bunch of famous people. If we include people who have passed away I might include my great grandpa and my grandpa. But just with my family would be fine and could actually happen.
4. Where are five places (cities, states, countries, etc.) you would like to visit?
France, UK, New York, Canada, Anaheim (I <3 DL) (runners up Japan, lots of places in the medeteranian)
5. What are your five favorite desserts?
Tiramisu, thai tea ice cream, fried banana with coconut ice cream or honey, craploads of chocolate, chocolate tofu pie.
Friday Five for 03.25.05
1. What is your favorite movie of all time?
I have a lot of favorite movies but for the sake of this post I will say Star Trek IV
2. How often do you watch this movie?
Recently, not much maybe once a year or every two years. I've seen it many times.
3. What's your favorite line out of the whole movie?
"Double dumb-ass on you!"
Runner up: "where they keep the nukleeyar vessel?"
4. Who's your favorite character from this movie?
Spock... or Kirk
5. What scene do you love the most?
The scene on the bus where Spock gives the Vulcan death grip to the punk who's playing the loud music on the bus.
Runners up:
The scene where Spock dives into where the whales are and comes up and is like "gracie is pregnant" and that woman (I think her name is Amanda is like "how did you know that?" and Spock is like... "she told me" and shes like totally confused."
Hey, someone make me study, and tell me to stop eating candy!
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